世紀禮讚 (三十)──燃亮不熄
Book 30 Keep On Burning
我確信 We Believe
區美賢 譯 / Don Besig & Nancy Price / Don Besig
基督活石 Jesus is the Living Stone
區美賢 譯 / adapted from 1 Peter 2:4-8 /Mary McDonald
求助之詩 Psalm 121
陳麗嬋 譯 / Psalm 121 / Heather Sorenson
安穩主愛裡 In Heavenly Love Abide
李世珊 譯 / Anna Waring & Fanny Crosby / Lloyd Larson
燃亮祢的燈 Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
區美賢 譯 / Traditional , alt. /African American Spiritual / arr. by Lloyd Larson
主愛永不離我而去 O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
黃鄧敏 譯 /George Matheson / tune ST. MARGARET, Albert Peace / arr. by Molly Ijames
尺寸:212*275 mm