世紀禮讚 (二十三)──主恩滿溢
Book 23 Grace of God
施恩的主 God of Grace
Keith Getty & Jonathan Rea / arr. by Tom Fettke
耶和華是我的牧者 The Lord’s My Shepherd
Psalter, by Edinburgh / Brother James’ Air, J. L Macbeth Bain / arr. by Lloyd Larson
當安靜 Be Still
Herb Frombach / Mary McDonald
求主臨在 Come to Us, Lord Jesus
Paul McKay
神聖之愛 O Love Divine
Fanny Crosby / Irish Folk Tune / arr. by John Hudson
和散那歸與得勝的主 Hosanna to the Lord Triumphant
David Davenport / arr. by Patrick M. Liebergen
默念主耶穌受苦 A Lenten Meditation
Thomas B. Pollock / Douglas E. Wagner
信徙慶賀同歌唱 Christiansm Celebrate and Sing
Llyod Larson / Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart, by Edward H. Plumptre & Arthur H Messiter
尺寸:215*278 mm